Hydrothol 191 Granular: A highly effective granular algaecide and herbicide. It is regularly indicated when Algae is present and is resting on or within areas of nuisance weeds. Controls nearly all types of lake weeds, including milfoil and hydrilla, and algae.
Hydrothol® Granular should be spread evenly throughout treatment area when plants are present. Most effective when applied on a calm day. When applying Hydrothol® Granular aquatic herbicide, we recommend using a broadcasting spreader.
Hydrothol® provides control where you need it, in the application area, as its does not migrate away from the target area. For this reason, Hydrothol® is a valuable tool in improving access to the water for recreational activities such as swimming, fishing, and water skiing.
When applied correctly at recommended rates, this EPA-approved product is considered relatively safe for fish with minimal impact. Do not use in waters containing Koi or hybrid goldfish. Water bodies containing very high algae or plant density should be treated in sections to prevent suffocation of fish. Fish may be killed by dosages in excess of 0.3 parts per million (ppm)
Hydrothol® is effective in muddy or murky water because it does not bind to the suspended sediment or organic matter. Hydrothol® is also an effective algaecide.
Apply when target algae and aquatic plants are actively growing. 20# bag treats on average 4000 SF.