Our natural pond products help stop algae blooms, weeds from growing & keeps your fish alive with straightforward earth-friendly products. From Algaecides to pond dyes.
Aeration systems are a great investment in the long-term beauty of your pond. Nothing makes your pond healthier than aeration, as it turns over the water column constantly - invigorating the healthy bacteria with Oxygen while cutting off nutrients from other nuisance aquatic growth that fuels murky waters and algae blooms.
It’s not too early to gear up for Spring! During the winter there’s not much you need to do to care for your pond, especially if it’s frozen over. Once the weather starts getting warmer, that’s when you should be proactive to make sure your pond or lake looks beautiful for the rest of the year. A beautiful and healthy pond doesn’t happen magically. It requires monitoring and proactive maintenance to stay in great shape. Algae blooms are one of the most common problems pond owners are confronted with. Beyond the unsightly appearance, certain algae can even be toxic. This year you can be ready for any algae blooms.